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Friday, November 16, 2007

All spiffed up

In case you haven't yet--because you're reading my insightful posts via a newsreader--you simply must check out the swanky new look of my blog. Just having this professionally-designed site makes me feel, well, more professional. I know you're supposed to dress for the job you want, but since I write at home and no one sees me but my grubby-fingered kids and tolerant husband, it makes more sense to dress up my blog to fully reflect me and the job I want--that of a fabulous, stylish, and successful writer and parent. Even if most days I'm not all that stylish on the outside, I am still fabulous on the inside. And stylish when I want to be. And while I haven't reached the ultimate success--that of a published author--I'm at least heading in the right direction.

Along with the launch of my blog design, I've been focusing on other aspects of professionalism. I've been getting all connected through Facebook and LinkedIn, the latter which may be leading to a little paid writing gig on the side. A little bread and butter, so to speak. I'm getting out there, reminding people that just because I left the paid, go-to-an-office job, not only did I not completely disappear into the abyss known as suburban motherhood, I've actually been writing, and editing, and publishing. And most recently, making tons of progress on my non-fiction book for parents who have kids in the hospital. That is, of course, in addition to all of the pontificating I do here.

And when all those connections do a little research on me, they will certainly see my blog, which will hopefully--with its appealing, polished look--reinforce in that I am indeed worthy of their encouragement, their support, their advice, and their endorsements.


  1. Looks really good! You're a good writer. Hopefully, opportunities come your way and your book not only gets finished but published. I wish you the best.

  2. It is lovely. And thankfully still easy to read. Sometimes the "spiffed up" ones become too busy to actually read the text! Good luck with your writing career.

  3. Yes, I think it is super lovely as well - definiely a very swanky new look! :^D
