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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Oh! Baby: Give me an impersonal hospital birth

I doubt anyone likes the idea of a hospital birth, but I'll take preparedness at the hospital over a hunch that everything will be okay with a homebirth. As much as I would have preferred the comforts of home, a hospital birth--and all those trained medical professionals--saved Toddler in Chief's life.

Where is the best and safest place to have a baby? Check out this week's debate over childbirth choices on Oxygen Media's Oh! Baby Opinionated Parenting blog.

1 comment:

  1. There's a wide expanse between the "preparedness at the hospital" and a "hunch that everything will be okay." I had two homebirths which involved a whole lot more than a "hunch." I'm sure you didn't mean it that way and that you do realize that home birth does involve normal prenatal care and closer attention during labor than a hospital birth. I was attended by a midwife, a naturopathic doctor and an RN and could easily have been transported should something have gone awry.

    (I'm fairly new to your blog and enjoy it a lot.)
