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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sour grapes, perhaps?

I think I'm going about this book-writing thing all wrong. I should have just latched onto a comment made by the First-Lady-to-be and decided to write a book. Why do soul-searching and a gut-wrenching examination of my personal experience with a critically-ill son who has spent months in the hospital when all I really needed was a catch phrase to latch onto. I needed the domain-name gods to align and be in the right place at the right time.

What am I referring to? Why Michelle Obama's self-proclamation of "Mom in Chief." I love that she used that expression. I'll chalk that coincidence up to great minds thinking alike. But if only I had been smart enough to also register in addition to back in January 2005 when this site took life. Well, now there is another Mom in Chief, in addition to Michelle Obama and me. There is blogger with that domain name and a book deal to match. Her book is set to come out in February 2009. Her blog miraculous sprung to life the day after Michelle first used those words in August 2008. I'm sure this other MIC is a perfectly fine writer with a perfectly nice book, and fantastic connections (apparently) in the publishing industry. Do I sound bitter?

I suppose I wouldn't be filled with disdain for her if I was having a smoother transition from writer to author. I just don't understand how you go from concept to published book in six months flat. If I did, my book would have hit the market 18 months ago. In the meantime, I'm still working, still researching agents, still feeling optimistic, although ever-so-slightly annoyed. I am still confident, however, that my project will eventually reach the people who need it. At least I wasn't planning on calling my book Mother in Chief. At least my book isn't about balancing a career with parenthood. Then I'd probably be really, really annoyed.


  1. Joe the Plumber's book is being published in 2 weeks. "Publishing" isn't the same as "mattering."

    Also, I love how you refused to link to this opportunistic parasite's web site :-)

  2. I figured she didn't need any more publicity.

  3. It's about being in the right place at the right time, unfortunately.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I suspect this was already in the works. The idea for a book and website/blog and when Michelle used the phrase she knew it was time to snap it up.

    Sour grapes, perhaps...but is sucks none the less.

    And may I add you should move forward boldly. It is America after all, there is room for competition. You have a unique voice and something valuable to share.
